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Q: Is my phone beyond hope? There has been many mistakes that I have made and possibly other people as well. I swam with my iPhone 5S by accident in salt water. It was submerged in water for possibly about 30 minutes to an hour. We brought it to a repair shop and one of the employees possibly accidental attemoted to power on the device (not so sure if they pressed it). They cleaned it the next day but I’m worried that the 18 hours left sitting made it worse. They said they couldn’t fix it. I’m not quite sure what methods they have used on it. They to,d me they did a cleanup of the device, replaced the batteries, charge port, and screen, and it still did not work. They suspect the motherboard is the cause of the problem. When I brought it back home, out of extreme desperation I constantly tried turning it on, and charging it for probably 15 mins (I know, it’s crazy). Do you think it’s still possible to recover this phone?
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