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Q: I am desperately trying to find out if some videos that were taken from a tmobile radar phone, can be recovered. Unfortunately I stop using the radar phone because a pin broke off inside mini usb plug and I was wondering is there any way to access the video from the radar phone if I am unable to plug it in to my pc due to the power plug no longer working and the battery being dead. Or if I happened to buy another radar phone and tried replacing the dead battery with another charged battery from another phone, I'm only asking this strange question because the battery on the radar htc in non removable. Do you think if I sent in the phone to be repair would you be able to just recover the videos. They happened to be from a our Chow Chow that recently passed away, and are priceless to our family. In fact we not concerned with the cost would be am willing to pay over 1000.00 if these videos can be recovered thank you for you time,

HTC Radar FREE Diagnostic Service

Li Lisa Russell - 4 years ago

Hi Lisa, I'm sorry for the loss. Please send the device in under the diagnostic service and we will do all we can to recover your videos.

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