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Q: Hi, I´m from Brazil. I will travel to Orlando at 03/01/2017 I would like to replace the iphone 7 glass screen and iphone 5s glass screen because it were broken, just the glass. Please Could you send a quote for this job? Thank you

iPhone 7 Plus Glass Repair

Ca Carlos Lira - 4 years ago

Hi Carlos, sorry we missed you! We've had big problems with this Q&A app but we've got it cleared up now. Currently (Dec 2018) iPhone 7 Glass repair is $99.99, iPhone 5s glass repair is $49.99. Our high-quality glass replacements come with a one-year warranty that covers everything but accidental damage. Repair times depend on current repair queue and part availability, but those model's screens can be replaced while-you-wait. You can schedule a repair appointment online for an instant $10 rebate. A technician will tell you exactly how long it will take when you bring your device in. We hope you consider us the next time you need a repair! Thanks have a great day.

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