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Q: Hi, I just need to know how much it will cost to fix my Iphone 5c? It was in my back pocket and I forgot all about it and it fell into the toilet. This is my first phone ever. This has never happened to me and I'm freaking out. I heard that its best to put it in rice but I did some research and apparently it isn't and I just don't know what to do. I quickly got it out of the water and dried it off with a towel and it worked fine, it was on and everything and minutes later it doesn't turn on at all? And I decided to put it in front of a fan and let it dry. What do I do? Can you help me?

iPhone 5 Water Damage Repair Service

Br Brea - 4 years ago

Hi Brea, we have successfully repaired many phones that have been water damaged due to similar situations. We recommend that you get it in to us as soon as possible so the water does not cause any additional damage. For an accurate quote we would need to see the device and run a diagnostic.

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