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Q: Hey there! A couple months ago I decided to go back on my PS4 after it collected dust while plugged in for a few months before. I was able to play with it. However, when I try to go back on my PS4 later in the day after playing from earlier, the PS4 lights up blue and beeps, sometimes I hear the fan turn on, and then within 3 seconds it turns back off and I cannot go on it. I have to unplug it for a couple hours and then plug it back on and it works. Also, when I turned my PS4 on for the first time in a while a few months back, it did a firmware update, however it never restarted like it was supposed to. As a result, I unplug it, plug it back in, and the update is successful. My question is can I repair this issue on my own, can you diagnose the problem, and if I can't repair it myself can you and for how much??? Thanks in advance, Bruce

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