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Q: Hello, I took my samsung S8+ into a pool and it's now not working properly. Initially it still powered on but then it turned off and would not start back up. I initially kept it in a bag of rice for a days before trying to power it on wirelessly. While the charge symbol did come up, it did not gain even 1% after 15 minutes of charging. So i put it back in the bag of rice. It's been a week now and the phone is still in the same state. The phone does power on and stays on in either safe mode or normal mode but only while it's plugged in. It remains at 0% battery but functions well enough. I say well enough because it will turn itself off randomly. I figure this is becaue the phone is being taxed more than it is being supplied power so it turns itself off. Would you be able to repair this so the battery can charge and the phone be used normally? I would like to visit your Boston or Brookline MA office to have the phone looked at. Thank you.

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