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Q: Dear thoughtful person reading this, I must confess I adore the size of my iPhone 4 that was gifted to me : ) Being on a very tight fixed income this phone is perfect for my needs..Except gravity took control of it and now it needs repair. 1. Do you still work on iPhone 4, replace/repair screen only damage? 2. What case do you recommend for the unintentional gravity testing owner? Thank you ever so much for your time in this matter. Most sincerely, Sarah B

iPhone 4 Screen Repair

Sa Sarah B - 4 years ago

Hi Sarah! Thank you for your message. We'd love to help you get your trusty iPhone 4 fixed. We do still work on the iPhone 4 and we can fix your broken screen for $49.99. As far as a case recommendation, if you come into our store, or mail-in the device for repair, we can help you with some case recommendations.

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