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Q: can you fix my iPhone 6 it fell in the pool and it worked for about two seconds then the screen went striped white and turned off and never turned back on it also got really hot i tried to turn it on and it wont can u fix it if so how much

iPhone 6 Water Damage Repair Service

ar Ariana martin - 4 years ago

Hello, usually when the phone starts to get super hot after getting water damaged it's a sign that it might be logic board damaged and if that's the case then there's not much we can do. I would still recommend bringing it in to your nearest iFixYouri and having a technician take a look at it. If you do not have a store near you, you can also send it in for a free diagnostic via our website. If we're able to get the phone to turn back on to the point where you can get your information off of it then it's $49.99, if we're unable to get it to work then there is no charge. If the phone requires additional parts to get it working then it's the price of the part plus the water damage cost. The water damage repair process takes around 2-3 days. -Xavier

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