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Q: After dropping my iPhone 6 Plus in the water, I took it out and everything worked fine. I can freely turn it on and off. The device charges properly. The only issue now is that the speaker(s) and microphone(s) are not working. Is that the kind of damage you can fix? Your website makes it sound like you only restore the phone to the point where data is retrievable (which is where my phone currently is). Also, if you can fix that problem, how can you afford to do it for cheaper than Apple? I'm sorry, but this service looks really sketch and I just want to make sure it's not fake before I commit to it.

iPhone 6 Water Damage Repair Service

Ev Evan - 4 years ago

Hello Evan, water damage device are on a case by case basis. In order to give you an exact quote for the repair we would have to see the device first, keep in mind that if we can't fix it, it's free. Also, Apple charges a flat free for any repair, and most of the time they will replace your device if it was water damaged, we will fix your device, and that is why we can afford to do it for cheaper. I hope it helps, let us know if we can answer any other questions.

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