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Q: What if my surface pro 6 was immersed in water from its upper right corner and the screen shows a mark as if there is water inside? It’s still working with the touch and everything, can I use it or should I wait and for how long?

Microsoft Surface Pro 6 Glass Repair

He Heba - 3 years ago

Hi Heba, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your Microsoft Surface Pro 6 water damage repair. We recommend not trying the water damage repair yourself. Devices have become more and more sophisticated and you may cause more damage. Using the supplied shipping label, send your Microsoft Surface Pro 6 to iFixYouri's mail-in center so our skilled repair technicians can inspect your device, pinpoint all/any issues affecting it, and get them repaired the professional way. Standard shipping takes about 5-10 business days and if the repair itself is minimal, it can be completed within a few hours. If you have any other questions, feel free to call1-888-494-4349. Hope this helps!

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