Answers Form
Q: My wife accidentally dropped the ipad in the washer (it was in the clothes basket) and washed it all. It doesn't turn on and doesn't charge, How likely is it that you guys would be able to get it working again?
Dr Dre - 3 years ago
Hi Dre, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your iPad Water Damage Repair. The water damage repair service includes full diagnostics and ultrasonic cleaning. We strive to fully restore your tablet with only the ultrasonic cleaning process and the majority of the time, no other parts are needed to be replaced in the tablet. In the event that additional parts are needed, they will need to be purchased along with the water damage repair service. We guarantee that the iPad will be in good working condition or functioning properly once damaged parts are replaced. In the rare case that we can not get your tablet working, we will provide you with a couple of different options. 1) Send your iPad back to you. 2) Offer to purchase the iPad from you, since we can still use some of the parts from it, and we like to recycle. Helping the environment is a definite plus! :-) 3) If the iPad functions fine, but has one or two minor features that may not be fully repairable, we will offer you a discounted rate for the repair and send the iPad back. If you have any other questions, feel free to call 1-888-494-4349
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