Answers Form
Q: My iPhone 5s took a trip through the washing machine (full cycle) back in February 2016. Spent a night in a bag of rice, then I opened it to fully dry the inside. The LCD is damaged (blue hue) and the TouchID ribbon cable was torn (my fault). The battery is also dead. With all of this hell it's been through, is it still salvageable? There is no data on the phone that I am concerned with - it's just a paper-weight and I was wondering if there was a cost-effective solution to restore the phone to useable working condition. Obviously, the entire screen assembly and TouchID would need to be replaced by Apple (to program a new TouchID to the logic board), a new battery would need to be installed, and the logic board put through an ultrasonic alcohol bath and scrub. Possibly replace a number of other components like the cameras and the vibration motor. What's your recommendation concerning this level of damage? Just toss it and forget about it? I've already gone through an iPhone 6s and now use an iPhone 8 and there's no data that needs to be recovered.
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