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Q: My 11 pro max had a few cracks on the screen and I accidentally dropped in to the sink. Water seeped into the phone and now it won`t turn on. How much would t2he screen repair (minor damager) and the water damage repair cost?

iPhone 11 Pro Water Damage Repair

Kr Kristian L Copes-Banks - 3 years ago

11 Pro Max screen repair is $199.99 (as of October 13, 2021) and water damage repair is $49.99 if we are able to retrieve the phone's data. We would start with the water damage repair to see if we could revive the phone. If it can be saved we would then put a new screen on at a discounted rate. However, due to the unpredictable nature of water damage, we cannot warranty the replacement screen in this case. Start with the water damage repair service and we can determine the best course of action from there.

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