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Q: Last year on vacation in Disney, I had my phone (iphone 4s) in the pocket of my swimming trunks and rushed into the pool to pull my son out that was panicking in the water. Once I was in the pool and corrected his life vest I noticed my phone was in my pocket. I of course got out of the pool, turned my phone off and put it in a bag of rice once I got back to our room (and buying a bag of rice on the way back to the room). The phone was in the rice for atleast a week. I have not been successful in turning the phone back on since. I've tried charging the phone over night and everythng and no matter what it will not turn on. Unfortunately I have video and pictures on this phone that I would like to retrieve and was not backing the phone up to the cloud. If you guys arent able to repair my phone, would you be able to retrieve the photos?

iPhone 4S Water Damage Repair

Wi Will - 4 years ago

Hi Will, yes we do offer data retrieval services.

iPhone 4S Water Damage Repair

Wi Will - 4 years ago

Hi Will, we recommend that you send the phone to us as soon as possible so we can work on reviving it. We do offer data extraction services as well.

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