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Q: if you can fix my phone that has water damage

iPhone 6 Water Damage Repair Service

Na Natalie Castillo - 3 years ago

Hi Natalie, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your iPhone 6 water damage repair. All you need to do is to ship your phone to us. Dry it as much as you can and do not try to charge it or power it on. Also clearly mention that it is the iPhone 6 as price may vary according to the model of your phone. Our skilled technicians will put your phone through a series of diagnostic tests, giving us a clear picture of the damage the water or liquid has done to your device. We will contact you with a complete diagnosis of the issue, giving you the option to choose between having it repaired or getting it returned to you in that state. We can also repair all signs of damage such as corrosion and debris on your logic board or phone components, leaving it as good as new.

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