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Q: I was given a Apple Watch it won’t come on it shows only green battery icon when sitting on charger

Apple Watch Diagnostic Service

Pa Paul McCrory - 3 years ago

Good morning, Paul iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your Apple Watch diagnostic service. It seems like your Apple Watch may need a battery repair, but just to be sure, we recommend that you send your device to us for a FREE diagnostic service. All you have to do is add the service to your cart and check out. You will then be emailed a shipping label to send it our way! Hope this helps!

Apple Watch Diagnostic Service

Pa Paul McCrory - 3 years ago

Good morning, Paul iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your Apple Watch diagnostic service. It seems like your Apple Watch may need a battery repair, but just to be sure, we recommend that you send your device to us for a FREE diagnostic service. All you have to do is add the service to your cart and check out. You will then be emailed a shipping label to send it our way! Hope this helps!

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