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Q: How much does an iphone 5 water damage repair usually cost if fixable?

iPhone 5 Water Damage Repair Service

Pr Pran Nag - 4 years ago

The cost depends on the extent of the damage. If other components have been damaged as a result of the water we will provide you with a free estimate to repair.

iPhone 5 Water Damage Repair Service

Pr Pran Nag - 4 years ago

The cost depends on the extent of the damage. If other components have been damaged as a result of the water we will provide you with a free estimate to repair.

iPhone 5 Water Damage Repair Service

Pr Pran Nag - 4 years ago

The cost depends on the extent of the damage. If other components have been damaged as a result of the water we will provide you with a free estimate to repair.

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