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Q: How do I get in touch with you. I left phone number and have not heard from you. I want to confirm the process for replacing the battery in my ipad pro, 1st generation. Phone number is: (631)754-1158. Northport, NY.

12.9-inch iPad Pro Battery Replacement

Ge George Sutton - 4 years ago

Hi George, Our order process is very simple. Simply select the service you're in need of, add it to your cart, and complete the check-out process. Once you've completed the process, you'll receive a shipping label in your email. Package up the iPad in a secure box and drop it off at your nearest shipping center. We'll notify you when we receive it, fix it, and ship it back to you. If you have additional questions regarding the process of submitting an order, please feel free to contact us at 888-494-4349. Our customer support team is available Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm and Sunday 11am-5pm. Please let us know if you have any questions, we'll be happy to help you out.

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