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Q: hi there i am having problems with my iphone and i need help. i for got my passcode and my iphone disabled, how do i get it undisabled.?

iPhone 7 Plus Diagnostic Service

ca Calvin - 3 years ago

Hi Calvin, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your iPhone 7 Plus repair. If you have entered the wrong password too many times and disabled your phone, you need to erase your iPhone, which will delete all data and settings. You can restore your data only if your iPhone has recently been backed up. To restart your iPhone 7, press and hold down the side button until the power off slider appears. Drag the slider to turn off the device. You will then connect your phone to your computer while pressing down the volume button. A recovery mode screen with a computer icon will appear. If you still need help repairing your iPhone 7, send your device to iFIxYouri for a free diagnostic service. Hope this helps!

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