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Q: Hi, I have an HTC Arrive and the phone in general works, but the charge port wont take a charge or allow my laptop to connect to it; I was told that there had been some water damage to the main board of the phone and that was the reason it wasn't getting a connection. I want the photos and podcasts off of this phone and I was wondering if you could help?

HTC Arrive Water Damager Repair Service

Br Brittany D Gardner - 3 years ago

Hi Brittany, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your HTC Arrive water damage repair service. We have the leading HTC Phone repair service for water-damaged smartphones with a 90% success rate at reviving your smartphone. The water damage repair service includes full diagnostics and ultrasonic cleaning. We strive to fully restore your device with only the ultrasonic cleaning process and the majority of the time, no other parts are needed to be replaced in the phone. In the event that additional parts are needed, they will need to be purchased along with the water damage repair service. We have state-of-the-art equipment that removes any kind of corrosion, minerals, or debris that has built up on your circuit board and components. Corrosion and minerals that build up on the circuit is the most common cause for your HTC Arrive not functioning properly. If you have any more questions, feel free to call 1-888-494-4349. Hope this helps!

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