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Q: Hi. I have a Surface 3 Laptop. Spilled tea con the keyboard, near the power connection. Worked fine until it ran out of battery (didn’t realize it wasn’t charging). Now it won’t charge or turn on. Is the cost $60 to repair this? Thanks! Ps: do you have a Miami Location?

Surface Pro 3 Water Damage Repair Service

Al Alexis Hoffmann - 3 years ago

Hello Alexis, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your Surface Pro 3 water damage repair. This service costs $59.99. With this service, our repair technicians inspect the problem, as well as any other affected components, repair your device, and send it back to you asap. If there are any other issues affecting your device, we'll let you know and proceed with those repairs only after your approval. If you have any more questions, feel free to call 1-888-494-4349. Hope this helps!

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