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Q: Hello, My Iphone 6 plus took a swim in an ice chest during Mardi Gras...not sure how long it was in the water...did not have rice at the time so I just dried it off and put it in a towel until we will not turn is my question...I already bought a new Iphone 7...but am very upset about my photos that I had just taken during Mardi Gras...I did not have the cloud set question is can you retrieve my pictures??? I really don't care if the phone works...I just want my pictures...When I restored my phone from my only restored up until last August...So is there something you all can do to get my pictures off? And how much would that cost me? Like I said my interest is in the pictures. Thanks

iPhone 6 Water Damage Repair Service

An Angie Balliviero - 4 years ago

Hi Angie, we only charge for our water damage repair service if we are able to retrieve data off your phone. We have been able to retrieve photos off phones in similar situations in the past. We can't really say how much data we will be able to retrieve since water damage can vary wildly with each case and it is, by nature, unpredictable. But other than potentially the cost of shipping, you don't really have anything to lose by giving the service a try.

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