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Q: Hello- I'd like to run my situation by you and if you don't mind, after I share the variables with you, perhaps you could let me know if it would be worth it to send this laptop to you for attempted repair. * I bought a mid 2012 15" Macbook Pro, used. The person who I bought it from fired up it, it looked great so I bought it. * After bringing it home, the screen would not turn on, though it powered up. * This evening I took it to an Apple store, the Apple tech opened it up and said there was water damage (along with a couple pieces of rice?) and that it was not worth investing any more money in. * The Apple tech said the reason the screen won't light up was likely because of a problem with th graphics chip, on the logic board. * Your video says not to turn it on and not to attempt to charge it. All of these things have been done while the laptop was in my possession (though it was dry by the time I got it). Does that mean this laptop is a lost cause? This laptop was a Christmas gift for my daughter and being a single father, I can't afford to run out and buy another. Help! Please let me know what you think and thank you very much!!! Doug

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