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Q: Hello, I have a surface pro 4, and after about 2 hours of use the screen will flicker. It seems like a common issue. I have tries the updates, but it is the same. It continues to function, but it is annoying. What is your opinion on repairing it? Do you think it is worth trying to repair? I like the device, so I would like to keep it and fix this annoying issue.

Surface Pro 4 Glass & LCD Repair

Pa Paul burke - 3 years ago

Hi Paul, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your Surface Pro 4 repair. If you are not quite sure of your device’s issue, we suggest that you ship it to us for a FREE diagnostic service. Every repair service begins with a series of free diagnostic tests to determine what the issue is. Our technicians use their repair experience to quickly diagnose the problem. In most cases, repairs are minimal; however, if we see that your Surface Pro 4 has additional damage, we'll contact you before proceeding. If you have any other questions, feel free to call 1-888-494-4349. Hope this helps!

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