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Q: Hello, I got a refurbished iPhone 7 Plus. One day when it was raining I was outside and I got my phone wet , it didn’t turn off or nothing it was still working perfectly fine. But once I tried to call someone , I couldn’t hear them and they couldn’t hear me. I does let me put my phone on speaker and my voice memo doesn’t work. All my videos I record does have sound to them. Can you tell me what is the problem with my phone and how much will it cost for you guys to fix it ?

iPhone 7 Plus Water Damage Repair

An Antwanae Jones - 4 years ago

Hi there, we can definitely help! It does sound like the device is suffering from Audio IC failure. We'd recommend sending it into our repair center for help. You can send it in under the diagnostic service for your model iPhone. Please let us know if you have any more questions, we'll be happy to help!

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