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Q: Classic Ipod . fell on . floor . Now . not . functioning . Clicking noise . and . X . Support shows on screen . What is this . Hard Drive??

iPod Classic 7th Gen LCD Repair Service

ga Gary kronfeld - 4 years ago

Diagnostics are free at iFixYouri and take 1-3 days for most devices. This way we can try and confirm that actual issue you are experiencing. Based on the information given it does seem like the hard drive has a condition known as the "Click of Death". The best thing to do is for us the replace the hard drive, given that that is actually the issue. In the process of this replacement you will lose any data that has not been backed up, please be aware of this. Generally, for the iPod Classic 7th Gen, a hard drive replacement starts at $149.99 + tax (current Dec 2018). The price can vary based on the capacity of the hard drive you want and the fluctuating market price of the parts.

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