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Q: Can you fix both the case and the screen at the same time? If so how much (Surface Pro 7)

Br Brent Soper - 2 years ago

We can do both. Sometimes the case can be bent back into shape to fit the glass, or filed. However, other times this requires a housing swap. The glass repair is $219 (current as of December 2022). We'd have to see the device in person to give you the best repair estimate, so please check out the Surface Pro 7 diagnostic; or if you want to go ahead and start with the glass repair, add that service to your cart. We could then provide you a repair quote for the case, and you could decide what you'd like to do.

Br Brent Soper - 2 years ago

We can do both. Sometimes the case can be bent back into shape to fit the glass, or filed. However, other times this requires a housing swap. The glass repair is $219 (current as of December 2022). We'd have to see the device in person to give you the best repair estimate, so please check out the Surface Pro 7 diagnostic; or if you want to go ahead and start with the glass repair, add that service to your cart. We could then provide you a repair quote for the case, and you could decide what you'd like to do.

Br Brent Soper - 2 years ago

We can do both. Sometimes the case can be bent back into shape to fit the glass, or filed. However, other times this requires a housing swap. The glass repair is $219 (current as of December 2022). We'd have to see the device in person to give you the best repair estimate, so please check out the Surface Pro 7 diagnostic; or if you want to go ahead and start with the glass repair, add that service to your cart. We could then provide you a repair quote for the case, and you could decide what you'd like to do.

Br Brent Soper - 2 years ago

We can do both. Sometimes the case can be bent back into shape to fit the glass, or filed. However, other times this requires a housing swap. The glass repair is $219 (current as of December 2022). We'd have to see the device in person to give you the best repair estimate, so please check out the Surface Pro 7 diagnostic; or if you want to go ahead and start with the glass repair, add that service to your cart. We could then provide you a repair quote for the case, and you could decide what you'd like to do.

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