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Q: Are you able to fix /replace the 6S plus rear camera? Do I have to pay the estimate shopping fee on top of the repair charge? Is it possible that you found out that you can not fix it after receiving the product? What will happen if that’s the case?

iPhone 6s Plus Rear Camera Repair

Yu Yui - 3 years ago

Hi Yui, iFixYouri is happy to assist you with your iPhone 6s Plus rear camera repair. In addition to the $59.99 repair fee, the estimated shipping must be paid for. The tech experts at iFixYouri run a series of free tests on every device that comes in to determine the exact issue. We use top-of-the-line materials to complete every repair. In the rare case that your device is deemed irreparable, we will ship your device back to you, or give you the option to sell it to us for the most money back guaranteed. If you have any other questions, feel free to call 1-888-4949-4349. Hope this helps!

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